The Open Martial Path Institute, LLC offers classes in traditional Korean martial arts in the form of Hapkido and Kumdo, as well as the modern comprehensive eclectic Yuen Sou Fa. Separate classes in Tai Chi Chuan and self defense are also available.
We are governed and sanctioned by the World Kido Federation, Hanminjok Hapkido Association, SunDoKwan, and Circle Hand Method Self Defense Association.

The Open Martial Path Institute was founded in 2012 with facilities being located and built out in early 2013. Our doors were officially opened in February of that year. School founder David A. Hall is a firm believer in providence. That, along with encouragement from his devoted wife, is what ultimately encouraged him to move from teaching private lessons part time around the tri-county area to founding the school. By combining his efforts with those of other well-rounded martial artists, he hopes to create a Kwan that will take on a life of its own.
Ultimately, it is our wish to build a martial arts family that fosters integrity, knowledge, and training in the highest regard.

Chief Instructor Mr. Hall has over 45 years of collective experience across multiple disciplines.
Mr. Hall takes students for all disciplines on a smaller scale and still teaches around the tri-county area. He is also available for seminars and Health and Wellness Programs in the area.
OMPI strives to foster a sense of serenity, as well as intense focus. Classes are private and meet in different locations depending on discipline and student body participation. Call or email for specifics.